
Trust in Your Heart by Lugg $20
Violin Set by Vigil $45
Autumn in Umbria I by Judge $40
Autumn in Umbria II by Judge $40
Narrative II by Leach $20
Narrative III by Leach $20
Animated Lunch by Phill $45
Ariza by Alvarez $35
Asian Composition by Moore $35
Autumn Fantasy by Zhang $45
Bird of Paisley by Gillette $25
Bird of Paisley II by Gillette $25
Tapestry Detail I by Gillette $25
Tapestry Detail II by Gillette $25
Caravan by Anderson $45
Carillon Bloom I by Strickland $40
Carillon II by Strickland $40
Collecting Fall by Somers $25
Cosmos I by Leach $20
Cosmos II by Leach $20
Crystal Rhythm I by Strickland $55
Crystal Rhythm II by Strickland $55
Day's End by Gaudin $45
Dynamic by Strickland $40
Electric Dance by Kime $40
Enigma II by Drouillard $30
Equation in Mind by Hall $45
Falling Leaves by Zhang $45
Fieldwork by Robinson $35
Floral Insight by Collins $30
For Goodness Seca by Roberts $40
Inside Edition I by Sanderson $35
Inside Edition II by Sanderson $35
Iridescence I by Van Hall $40
Jazz by Duplock $30
Jeweled Horizon by Heller $30
Just Because by Dergara $25
Leaf Collage by Musmeci $20
Leaf Collage II by Musmeci $20
Leaf Collage III by Musmeci $20
Line & Verse #118 by Holland $30
Line & Verse #119 by Holland $30
Longliner I by Phill $45
Make Believe by Dargara $25
Moods by Vasali $30
Night by Vasali $30
Now & Then by Dargara $25
Painting 1937 by Nicholson $30
Palitos(half sheet II) by Diego $20
Palitos(half sheet) by Diego $20
Rhapsody by Szucs $40
Royal Suite IV by Bleach $45
San Francisco by S. Gillette $100
Signal Field by Robinson $35
Spirit Find by Kime $40
Starwave I by Strickland $40
Starwave II by Strickland $40
Summer by Johns $30
Tanzin II by Strickland $45
Tanzina I by Strickland $45
Treasures Below II by Douglas $40
Untitled V by Godziebra $25
Untitled VI by Godziebra $25
Venice by Gravele $50
Windows Open by Delauncey $30
Alternate Wave by M. Hunt $225
Amersement Pack II by Conti $225
Arabesque VIII by M. Hunt $95
Bird on a Wire by S. Gillette $250
Broken Patterns by M. Hunt $395
Desert Rose IV by M. Hunt $195
Eclipse I by M. Hunt $150
Fantasia IV by Levine $195
Golden Treasure by M. Hunt $295
Monsoon I by M. Hunt $495
Power Pears by Conti $195
Quail by M. Hunt $90
Rabbit by M. Hunt $90
Hummingbird by M. Hunt $90
Lizard by M. Hunt $90
Rose Boquet by S. Gillette $395
Seahorse by S. Gillette $195
Soft Intention I by Conti $350
Soft Intention II by Conti $350
Sonoran Mosaic I by S. Gillette $295
Sonoran Mosaic II by S. Gillette $295
Southwest Quilt I by M. Hunt $395
Southwest Quilt II by M. Hunt $395
Southwest Splendor I by M. Hunt $300
Southwest Splendor II by M. Hunt $300
Tissue-Full Sheet by S. Gillette $495
Tissue-Hallf Sheet by S. Gillette $250
A Patch of Blue by Bleach $40
Abstract I by Roberts $95
Abstract II by Roberts $95
Circumference II by Giddings $25
Dancing in the Water by Irmgard $40
Desert Bloom by Grosse $495
Distant Sound-Cool Shadows by Manje $45
Intersect I by Grey $45
Intersect II by Grey $45
Into the Mystery II by Vista $30
Kiwi Quilt by Verger $25
Limelight by Verger $25
Matrix VII by Strickland $50
Matrix VIII by Strickland $50
My Love's Arrival by Giddings $30
Primative Still Life by Gillette $25
Rhythm Curves by Giddings $30
Santa Fe by Emerson $25
Shadows I by Elias $25
Timeless I by Tunik $40
Timeless IV by Tunik $40
Untitled Abstract II by Turco $395
Well Being I by Giddings $35
Primitive Still Life II by Gillette $25
Quixotic I by Reyes $35
Gilded Tile IV by Maceira $15
Winter Memento I by Judge $24